Investment Management
& Investment Committee Services
for Institutions and Non-Profits

With your fiduciary duty comes much responsibility.
Our goal is to help alleviate some of your obligations.


your goals
and objectives.

Your employees have different needs than those of other organizations. We can help you to definethe specific goals and objectives  for your organization.


your tolerance
for risk.

Historically, over longer periods of time, the more risk you took, the better your return would have been. Would you feel comfortable with additional volatility in your portfolio, or is a conservative approach better for you? 


an appropriate
asset allocation.

The primary goal of asset allocation is to provide a smoother ride through periods of volatility during normal market rotations.  Our process incorporates a diversified, yet personalized, portfolio across various asset classes.



A well-developed plan is only as good as its execution.  Our team keeps you informed as throughout the implementation process.


Monitor and
rebalance your

We monitor and make recommendations to your portfolio based upon our  research and your organization’s Investment Policy Statement. Rebalancing your portfolio to your desired asset allocation ensures that your portfolio is not taking on undesired risk and that funding and distributioin levels are adequately met.

Additional Investment Management Services

Dedicated Point of Contact

Product / Manager Research and Selection

Risk Tolerance Review

Individualized Portfolio Construction

Investment Policy Statement Development

Quarterly Performance Reporting

Trade Execution


Assistance with Cashiering Services & Account Maintenance

Tax Loss Harvesting

Let us help you reduce your fiduciary burden.

From monitoring funding and distribution levels to crafting an Investment Policy Statement, we are here to meet the individual needs of your organization. By attending your Investment Committee meetings, we are able to provide market insights, review your portfolio, and make recommendations.

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