Schneider Downs Corporate Finance, LP presents
Putting it Together: Best Practices in Getting Deals Done
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Rivers Club
Registration begins at 2:30 p.m.
Cocktail reception immediately follows
Join us for a comprehensive review of current strategies and best practices for transactions, mergers and acquisitions. Professionals from Schneider Downs Corporate Finance and Schneider Downs & Co. will provide an informative presentation covering timely topics, including:
- Current Capital Market conditions and the near-term outlook for corporate buyers and sellers
- Valuation trends and fundamentals
- Best practices in the management and execution of the corporate sales and divestiture process
- Update on merger and acquisitions tax considerations
- Emerging trends in buyer due diligence
- Bankruptcy and Restructuring
Event organizers have applied for 2 hours CLE credit for this presentation.
Please complete the following form to register.