Not-for-profit organizations and educational institutions across western Pennsylvania continue to face multiple and complex challenges, including enduring the PA budget crisis, increased need for services, expanding missions and continuing to maintain and diversify revenue streams. To experience success within your organization and in the community, organizations are beginning to identify new ways to deliver upon their missions. New programs have evolved. Mergers have occurred. Executive collaborations have developed. You may have a strong grip on the identity of your organization throughout its changes over the years, but does the community? As your missions and your brands are evolving, it is pertinent that society understands exactly WHO you are and WHAT you stand for.
Join Schneider Downs and a panel comprised of Laurie Mizrahi, President and CEO of Mizrahi Inc., Stefani Pashman, CEO of Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board, Saleem Ghubril, Executive Director of The Pittsburgh Promise and Lauren Bachorski, Communication & Project Manager of The Pittsburgh Promise. We will explore how branding plays an important role in the evolution of an organization.
Topics to be covered are:
- Experiences regarding organizational branding challenges, and how to deal with them
- Transformational branding stories of not-for-profits
- Common pitfalls to avoid when deciding to rebrand, or during the rebranding process
- Campaign development
June 16, 2016
Rivers Club
8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Registration and breakfast begin at 7:30 a.m.
To register please fill out the following form