Solver Extended Financial Planning and Analysis

Accelerate better business decisions with Solver’s Extended Financial Planning and Analysis (xFP&A).

As financial planning and analysis (FP&A) professionals, we understand that clear data analysis and insights are crucial for making impactful business decisions. Incomplete and inconsistent data can hinder progress, efficiency, and financial goals by affecting an organization’s ability to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and navigate the right path forward.

Which is why Solver has introduced Solver xFP&A, an extended financial planning and analysis solution. This cloud-based solution consolidates business and financial data into a unified source, transforming traditional FP&A into a comprehensive, scalable performance management system. Solver xFP&A increases access to actionable insights beyond the finance department to accelerate better decisions and time to value. 

As part of Schneider Downs and an award-winning Solver partner, SD Digital offers the technical, business and financial expertise needed to maximize your Solver xFP&A investment.

Ready to Get Started? Contact the SD Digital Team and let us know how we can help

Why SD Digital?

Digitally Immersed, Business Enabled

With access to a robust firm of 550+ professionals, SD Digital provides to business and digital knowledge to translate digital innovation to business results.

Financial Planning & Analysis Expertise

SD Digital has a proven track record of integrating financial planning and analysis solutions to achieve improved business outcomes and client expectations.

Specialized Industry Knowledge

While the potential of Solver xFP&A is universally applicable, its necessity can vary significantly by sector. Which is why our team offers specialized solutions for industries, including: manufacturing, retail, construction, not-for-profit and professional services.

Premier Solver Partner

As an award-winning Solver partner, SD Digital brings a recognized track record of helping organizations de-risk, scale, implement and optimize their Solver xFP&A investment.

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About SD Digital

SD Digital helps organizations translate technology to transformative change and realize the best version of themselves. With a forward-thinking cap and digital lens, we empower organizations to realize the art of the possible with the power of digital through business-focused and technology-enabled solutions, built on an unwavering commitment to practicality, speed to market and the user experience.

Learn more on our dedicated Schneider Downs Digital page or contact the team directly at [email protected].


Learn how we’ve Solved Big Problems For our clients

Big Problem: Company Impacted By Ransomware.

Big Thinking: Restore System On-site And Avoid Six-figure Ransom.

Read Case Study

Big Problem: Inefficient Tax Credit Realization.

Big Thinking: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.

Read Case Study


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