Audit Assurance Education Sector

Schneider Downs professionals focus on the business of our clients and the environments in which they operate.  Our audit procedures are tailored for each institution and are developed only after obtaining a detailed understanding of the accounting systems, administrative procedures and internal controls.  This understanding enables us to effectively identify and respond to business and financial statement risks affecting the development and execution of a customized audit plan. Audit and assurance services for the education sector include:

  • Financial statement audits, reviews, compilations and other attest services
  • OMB Circular A-133 audits (student financial aid, research and development and other major programs)
  • ERISA plan audits including 401(k), 401(a) and 403(b) audits
  • New accounting standards assistance
  • Audit preparation services
  • Management reporting needs, considerations and presentations
  • General business consulting
  • NCAA agreed-upon procedures
  • State grant audits/compliance audits (RACP, DCED)
  • Internal controls assessments
  • Accounting policy review
  • Review of financial reports and tax compliance matters related to endowments and investment portfolios
  • Program profitability and viability studies
  • Bond offering services (taxable and tax-exempt)

For a list of the services that Schneider Downs can provide to educational institutions in the Pittsburgh and Columbus regions, and across the United States, please visit our education sector services webpage.

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