Columbus MIP and inSITE User Groups 2017

Join us for the 2017 Abila MIP User Group.  Topics will include:

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • What’s New in MIP Fund Accounting 2017.1
  • 1099/W-2/1095 Processing Tips

We’ll also be holding our first annual SD inSITE User Group Meeting.  Topics will include:

  • Three Things You Didn’t Know inSITE Could Do
    • Budgeting in Time Entry
    • iRequest Enhancements
    • Expense Entry Enhancements

8:00 a.m. – Registration begins
8:30 – 10:15 a.m. – MIP User Group Meeting
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – inSITE User Group Meeting

MIP-only users are welcome to leave at the 10:15 break.  MIP and inSITE users are invited to stay for the second session.  inSITE-only users may join us prior to the inSITE portion.  If you plan to attend the inSITE meeting only, please arrive before 10:30 a.m.

To register, please complete the following form.  Be sure to check which meetings you’ll be attending.

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