Women Reshaping the Future of Columbus

Schneider Downs is pleased to host a gathering of professionals who are collectively working to advance our community. Please join us for an evening of insightful dialogue, new ideas and a special moderated panel discussion featuring four innovative female leaders in our region.

Kelly Griesmer, President and CEO of The Women’s Fund, will discuss how COVID has impacted women specifically and Columbus’ social response to those impacts. We will then shift to a panel discussion of women leaders to share how COVID has impacted their female workforce, both personally and professionally, how their businesses have shifted over the last several years and the opportunities it presents.

We encourage all attendees to bring a mentee that would be interested in hearing the message and would benefit from this networking opportunity with other community leaders.


  • MODERATOR: Kelley Griesmer, President and CEO, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio
  • Sandy Doyle-Ahern, President, EMH&T
  • Leigh Burnside, SVP of Finance and Chief Financial Officer, The Wendy’s Company
  • Stephanie Hightower, President and CEO, Columbus Urban League
  • Ola Snow, Chief Human Resources Officer, Cardinal Health


Registration and Networking with Cocktails & Appetizers
5:00 – 6:00 pm

6:00 – 7:30 pm

Open Networking
7:30 – 8:00 pm

The Fives
550 Reach Boulevard
Columbus, Ohio 43215

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