Steve is one of the co-CEOs of the firm. In this role, Steve works closely with the firm’s Operating Committee and Board of Directors and shares the responsibility for the strategic direction and operational performance of the firm.

Steve joined Schneider Downs in 2001, became a Shareholder in 2004 and was appointed co-CEO in 2014. Steve leads the firm’s Operating Committee and is a member of the firm’s Board of Directors and executive management team.

In his 30+ year career, Steve has had the opportunity to work with companies ranging from start-ups to large national organizations. He has experience in the firm’s SEC, ERISA and SOC practices and served clients in a variety of industries including manufacturing, oil and gas, supply chain, restaurant-retail, bio-science and financial services specifically banking, investment companies and investment partnerships.

Steve spent the first 10 years of his career with a national public accounting firm, and also has experience in the private industry as a corporate controller for a multi-location, family-owned business.

Steve balances his career and personal life. He enjoys spending time with his wife and three children, traveling and participating in their activities. Steve also enjoys running and golfing.

Professional and Community Involvement

Member—United Way of Western PA Board of Directors

Member—Mars Bank Board of Directors and Audit Committee Chair

Member—Schneider Downs Board of Directors

Member – AICPA Major Firms Group and Past Meeting Chair


Volunteer Bridgeville Area Food Bank

South Fayette Soccer Booster


Do you have a hobby or personal passion?
I enjoy running, exercising, golf and spending time with my kids.

What was the best advice you’ve ever received?
Work hard, treat people with kindness and respect, and good things will happen.

Who was your role model?
My father – good work ethic, smart, and always treated people with kindness and respect.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your college self?
Take advantage of all the activities and opportunities presented to you by your university. You get out of an experience what you put into it. Get involved.

People would be surprised to know that I…….
I have run 10 half marathons. Seven in Pittsburgh, and two in Indianapolis (those two ran through the Indy 500 speedway)

What is the best or most interesting thing about your career?
The number of different businesses and industries you learn about, and the number of people you have the opportunity to help.

What was your first job?
I was a bus boy at the Red Bull Inn in Meadowlands.

Do you have a “motto?”
Become comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Do you have advice for young professionals?
No successful person did it alone. Build genuine friendships and relationships throughout your career.

Our Thoughts On


Big Problem: A Complex Business Evaluation Case.

Big Thinking: Dispute Settlement And Control Of The Business.

With Schneider Downs since 2014, shareholder TOM PRATT has more than 30 years of experience in public accounting, forensic accounting, litigation support, business valuation and financial reorganization.
Tom’s team was involved in a complex and contentious business evaluation dispute between our client, who was the controlling shareholder, and a non-controlling shareholder. The dispute included allegations of fraud, self-dealing and mismanagement of entities against our client. We worked with our client’s outside legal counsel to help them respond to both the valuation issues and, importantly, refute the allegations being made against him. Our diligent and objective work assisted in the settlement of the dispute, and our client purchased the interests of the non-controlling shareholder prior to going to trial. “We’ve seen just about everything you can see when it comes to disputes between business partners,” Pratt said. “So we know what to look for and what analysis and evidence will help our clients.” Schneider Downs provides Big Thinking and Personal Focus in delivering a variety of services for large and small businesses, both publicly and privately held, as well as nonprofit organizations, government entities and more. Through our commitment to thought leadership and knowledge management, we deliver the solutions our clients need with a personal commitment to service.

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