Download Thursday’s presentation: Rediscovering Potential New Funding: Educational Improvement Tax Credit, Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit and Neighborhood Assistance Programs
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Join Schneider Downs as we review two popular and changing tax credit programs for not-for-profit organizations in Pennsylvania that may provide new or enhanced funding opportunities.
NEW legislation expands Pennsylvania Education Tax Credit Funds. The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Educational Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (EOSTC) were combined and signed into legislation by Governor Tom Corbett in October. Learn how the new law aims for utilization of the tax credits and funds for eligible organizations.
Not-for-Profit organizations need to take a fresh look at the Pennsylvania Neighborhood Assistance Program as a source of funding for 2015. The Neighborhood Assistance Program promotes community improvement through collaboration of residents, non-profit entities and businesses. The program grants tax credits to businesses based on contributions to non-profit entities for the purpose of conducting projects benefitting distressed areas and low-income populations. This often overlooked program may drive revenue to your organization.
Our presenters for Rediscovering Potential New Funding will be Gene Logan, Tax Shareholder, and Tim Adams, State and Local Tax Practice Leader. Gene and Tim are among the firm’s experts assisting not-for-profits including arts organizations, schools and social services agencies in maximizing funding opportunities.
Registration begins at 7:30 a.m.
Continental breakfast will be provided.
Two tax credits of CPE will be available.