Start-ups are everywhere! Last week, I traveled to Hamburg, Germany to participate in a Start-up Masterclass. The event brought together over 100 entrepreneurs to discuss various aspects of growing a new business. Schneider Downs participated in a session sponsored by Prime Global affiliate ba-group and focused on international expansion.
Many types of businesses participated: cybersecurity, logistics, food companies, leadership development, data management and storage and, of course, breweries!
Ina Wetzel, CFO of Babbel, Neele Wehmeyer, Tax Partner at ba-group, and I spoke to a gathering of new and established business leaders about the U.S. and German business and tax considerations and the reality of doing business internationally. From opening bank accounts to planning exit strategies, the in-depth discussion provided valuable information to some newer companies and feedback from colleagues about their specific business concerns, opportunities, traps and tips.
No matter where business operate, they share many of the same issues: financing, human capital, business administration and managing successful growth. It’s a small world, afterall.
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