3 CPE Credits (Tax)
Federal Tax Update (25 mins- .5 CPE)
Speaker: Dan Phillips
Description: Review of the current state of the federal legislature and potential tax reform objectives. Reflect on pending changes relative to phaseouts of prior legislation and potential future tax impacts.
Learning objective: Obtain a general understanding of current make up of congress and potential tax proposals that may be forthcoming. We will explore the potential impact and also timing of certain possibilities.
Partnership Taxation Update (50 minutes – 1 CPE)
Speaker: Megan J. Whitlock
Description: This session will provide updates on changes to partnership tax forms and reporting for the 2024 filing season. We will also cover current tax court cases and proposed regulations issued in 2024 along with discussion around the IRS newly created Passthroughs, Trusts and Estates office that will focus exclusively on partnerships, S corporations, trusts and estates and what this means for taxpayers.
Learning Objective: Understand new reporting obligations partners have for property distributions from partnerships with respect to Form 7217 along with other areas of IRS focus including basis shifting transactions and self-employment tax.
State and Local Tax Planning and Update (25 mins – .5 CPE)
Speaker: Stephen Worth
Description: This session will provide an update on recent changes to state tax legislation, including a focus on Pennsylvania and Ohio. The session will also include a discussion of common state tax pitfalls and opportunities for state tax savings.
Learning Objectives: Identify state tax legislative updates, as well as identify state tax exposure risk and opportunities.
Estate and Trust Federal Taxation Review (25 mins – .5 CPE)
Speaker: Greg Allison
Description:This session will provide an update on recent changes in the estate planning area, visit some of the most popular estate planning strategies of 2024, and talk about strategies to consider in the coming year.
Learning Objective:Identify recent legislative changes and case law impacting the estate planning area and understand relevant strategies to deploy.
Federal R&D Tax Credit Update (25 minutes – .5 CPE)
Speakers: Ross Alessandro, Erin Haase, Charlotte Garraway
Description: This session will provide an update on recent developments related to the Federal Research and Development Tax Credit, including information on the IRC Section 174 Capitalization requirements. We will also discuss the IRS’s updates to Form 6765 which will increase the need for taxpayers to create documentation to support their qualified research activities.
Learning Objective: Understand current and future reporting requirements related to the Federal Research and Development Tax Credit.
Delivery Method: Group Internet (Live) or Self Study (On-demand)
Learning Level: Overview
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Fields of Study: Tax
Contact (Registering/Technical Issues): Lindsay Sherrill