3 CPE Credits (Specialized Knowledge)
Prudent Processes and Initiatives to Create Thriving Qualified Retirement Plans (50 mins – 1 CPE)
Speakers:Tyler Brose and Miles Gibson
Description: In today’s rapidly evolving employment and regulatory landscapes, thoughtful decision-making, transparency, and consistency are just a few important factors that make for a thriving (and well-appreciated) qualified retirement plan program. This session will focus on what employers can do to ensure that their qualified retirement plan is compliant and competitive.
Learning Objectives: Identify the things that employers can (and must) do to ensure that their qualified retirement plan is compliant and competitive.
Year-End Wealth Management Stocking Stuffers (50 mins – 1 CPE)
Speaker: Dave Brinkman
Description: Various financial planning ideas for year-end consideration from our wealth management team
Capital Markets Update (50 mins – 1 CPE)
Speaker: Jason Staley
Description: We’ll be covering a recap of capital markets performance and the current state of private markets.
Learning Objectives: Identify whether a regime change has begun to take shape in the markets
Delivery Method: Group Internet (Live) or Self Study (On-demand)
Learning Level: Overview
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Fields of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Contact (Registering/Technical Issues): Lindsay Sherrill