During my first few years as an accounting major, I always saw myself working for one of the Big Four firms, as those were the only ones I had been exposed to in college. So when the time came for my fall internship recruitment, my goal was to land an internship with one of those firms. However, after learning about Schneider Downs and interviewing with them, I knew that this firm was the perfect fit for me, and that there was so much more to the public accounting field than just the large global firms. I remember telling my family after my interview with Schneider Downs that I could see myself working at the firm for a long time to come.
As I near the end of my internship with Schneider Downs, I can honestly say that I could not have chosen a better firm to work for. The people were the reason I chose to come to Schneider Downs in the first place, and after working with them for several weeks, I felt as if I had been working here for years. This firm has provided me with an incredible internship experience and has given me an in-depth look at what the accounting field is like outside of the classroom. I enjoyed every day of this internship and all the connections that I made along the way.
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