Following earlier passage by the Senate, on December 9, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Strengthening the Commercial Driver’s License Information System Act, or S3475, which stipulates that commercial drivers can only obtain one concurrent commercial driver’s license (CDL).
S3475 will help ensure safety on our roads by requiring that commercial drivers are screened with a single valid license and their complete record. Prior to the bill, if a commercial driver lost his or her license for safety reasons in one state, they would be able to apply for a CDL in a different state.
Previously, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) had collected the state fees to operate the system, but that changed in 2022 after the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration determined that AAMVA could not legally receive the fees. S3475 reinstates the agency’s authority to receive them.
The bill is now headed to the president for final approval. Our Transportation & Logistics industry group will provide updates.
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