Jim possesses more than 15 years of experience in consulting and advising public and privately held clients in the areas of income and franchise taxation. As a Shareholder in the tax department, Jim is one of our firm’s leading experts in the area of accounting for income tax, including accounting for mergers and acquisitions, in accordance with ASC 740.

Jim has served clients in various industries, including healthcare, retail, manufacturing, technology and professional services. He provides services to the firm’s clients that include the coordination and review of corporate, partnership and individual tax returns, including implementation of tax planning strategies.

Prior to working at Schneider Downs, Jim worked at a Big Four accounting firm and a large regional firm, where he provided tax compliance and advisory services to clients ranging from multi-national public entities to family-owned businesses.


Do you have a hobby/personal passion?
I enjoy playing and watching basketball.

What was the best advice you’ve ever received?
Everyone has something to teach so look for the lessons you can learn from other’s experiences.

Who is your role model?
I’ve had many in different aspects, but above all and for many reasons, my role model has been my grandfather.  He taught me to look for the value in a hard day’s work and that sometimes doing a task that others do not want to do can lead to better opportunities.

What was your childhood dream?
I wanted to be a doctor…..right up until I took my first science class and realized I should stick with math.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your college self? 
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because those will teach the most impactful lessons.

What is the best or most interesting thing about your career?
The collaborative environment helping to learn from each other’s viewpoints and experiences.

What was your first job?
I worked at a carnival running different games….my first experience with long hours.

When you have an hour of free time, what do you like to do?
Spend time with my son and daughter.

Do you have advice for young professionals? 
Stay open to new experiences especially those that challenge you.  The areas that are difficult provide the most learning opportunities and the struggle helps you grow.

Our Thoughts On


Big Problem: New Rules For Business Deductions.

Big Thinking: New Tax Planning Strategies To Save $300,000.

Shareholder EVAN OGRODNIK has been with Schneider Downs since 2005 and is one of our experts in tax compliance and planning, accounting, and financial reporting matters.
Evan’s team always worked closely with our clients’ accounting group and Schneider Downs‘ audit team. When the IRS changed the rules on the deductibility of repairs and maintenance versus capitalization of assets, a group of Schneider Downs’ tax specialists performed a deep-dive on the technical rules of this change to develop tax planning strategies for their clients.  In one particular instance, through extensive analysis of the client’s fixed asset ledgers as well as those of related-party commercial rental properties, we were able to find tax savings of approximately $300,000. “Communication with our clients is always critical,” Ogrodnik said. “Our understanding of new, complex regulations, knowledge of our client’s business and internal workings, and the trust the client had in our experts, allowed us to take advantage of tax rules and garner significant deductions.” Schneider Downs provides Big Thinking and Personal Focus in delivering a variety of services for large and small businesses, both publicly and privately held, as well as nonprofit organizations, government entities and more. Through our commitment to thought leadership and knowledge management, we deliver the solutions our clients need with a personal commitment to service.

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