The Columbus Office of the City Auditor has announced the city’s deadline to file and pay city income tax has been extended to July 15, 2020. The extension of the deadline conforms to guidance issued by both the IRS and the Ohio Department of Taxation as a form of relief to taxpayers who are effected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The extension applies to individuals filing their Columbus individual income tax and businesses filing their annual municipal net profit returns. Quarterly estimated payment deadlines for individuals and businesses are also being extended for their first and second quarter payments. The payments previously due April 15th and June 15th now have a deadline of July 15th.
This filing extension does not apply to employer deposits of withholding or returns for hotel/motel/short-term rental tax or admissions tax.
Under Ohio HB 197, which has recently been signed by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, interest charges on payments made during the extension will be waived. Similarly, the City of Columbus will not assess penalties on taxpayers before the July 15th deadline.
If you have any questions on how the tax deadline extension resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic effects your state and local taxes, please contact your Schneider Downs tax advisor.
Please visit our Coronavirus resource page at for related content.
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