I had just started my third year at Ohio University and was eager for the semester to begin, since I was taking 21 credit hours. Along with classes, it was also the semester everyone fears: the search for an internship. And I was not only exploring internships, but was also applying to study abroad.
As I walked around a career fair, talking with different companies, I came across Schneider Downs. After about an hour of chatting with their team, I decided to leave. The communication that took place during that hour led me to believe that I’d found the place where I wanted to intern, so I took the next step, and applied. Ultimately, my credentials were reviewed and I was among several chosen for on-campus and in-office interviews. Shortly afterward, I landed the internship.
Next, communication took place surrounding start and end dates. During that time, I explained my situation and my plans to study abroad, which were supposed to take place in May. Without hesitation, SD pushed my start date back to June so I could take part in my trip to Greece. Shortly thereafter, the global pandemic hit and, the Greece trip was cancelled, which allowed SD to move my start date back up to May. A few weeks later, the pandemic hit harder, which required everyone to work from home. At this point, I was beginning to worry about whether I was even going to be able to have this experience, but then received confirmation that my internship would be conducted remotely.
Even though I wasn’t able to experience life in the SD office, I still felt like I was part of the team. The culture at Schneider Downs was great. Everyone was welcoming and was always willing to help whenever I needed. The past several weeks of my internship here at Schneider Downs taught me so much and I cannot wait to continue learning in the future.
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